Military Recruiting

What is your social issue?

Military recruiting

Why is it such a social issue? What do people disagree about in relation to this topic?

It’s such an issue because most recruiters  go to high schools to recruit young when in all honesty kids should be 18 or older to be recruiter. They disagree with the recruiters coming to the schools but they agree that it’s okay for kids to sign up under age.

What is your proposed solution? Why do you think this is the best solution?

I propose that the military should recruit people out of high school and or college if need be necessary to achieve their quotas. I think its the best solution because when students or kids are sent into the battlefield they are most likely to die.

What are pros to your solution?

The pros are keeping the military recruiters off the high school campuses.

What are cons to your solution?

The cons are allowing the military recruiters on campus.

Any questions to your audience members for help on your topic? (Need to post at least 2 questions)

Do you think students under 18 should be allowed to join the military?

Should the Military recruiters be able to go on high school campus?